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智慧树知到 “一带一路“跨文化交际英语 章节测试答案

智慧树答案 尔雅学习君 2020-07-29 扫描二维码

智慧树知到 “一带一路“跨文化交际英语 章节测试答案


1、【单选题】Which of the following is not included in the Body Language?A. Gestures
B. Postures
C. Eye Contact
D. Silence


2、【判断题】As early as 1952, Raymond Williams wrote a book on the definition of culture and he defined culture as “the total way of life of a people”,A. 对
B. 错


3、【判断题】The same message people receive always conveys the same information even in different contextsA. 对
B. 错


4、【判断题】Generally speaking, communication style combines both language and nonverbal communication.A. 对
B. 错


6、【判断题】The symbolic nature of communication means that the words we speak or the gestures we make have no inherent meaning.A. 对
B. 错


7、【单选题】Which of the following emphasizes the various components of communication including a sender/receiver, message, channel, and context?A. social science perspective
B. interpretive perspective
C. critical perspective
D. personal perspective

喵查答案:social science perspective

8、【单选题】________ refers to interntional use of nonspoken symbol to communicate a specific message.A. Proxemics
B. Chronemics
C. Nonverbal communication
D. Kinesics

喵查答案:Nonverbal communication

9、【单选题】The different aspects of this communication process are emphasized by three perspectives. Which of the following is not included?A. social science perspective
B. interpretive perspective
C. critical perspective
D. A. personal perspective

喵查答案:A. personal perspective


1、【单选题】What nationality is Marco Polo?A. English
B. Italian
C. American
D. French


2、【单选题】The Silk Road refers to the ancient trade route connecting Asia Continent and European Continent, usually it can be classified into ___________ , Southern Silk Road on the land and the Silk Road on the sea.A. Northern Silk Road on the land
B. Eastern Silk Road on the sea
C. Western Silk Road on the land
D. A. Northern Silk Road on the sea

喵查答案:Northern Silk Road on the land




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