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It’s a rice noodle dish served in a very spicy stock made from local river snails and pig bones, stewed for hours with dozens of spices. Various pickled bamboo shoots, dried tofu skin, fresh vegetables, peanuts are then usually added. It won the trademark of National Geographic Indication and was listed as a national intangible cultural heritage in 2020. The dish is called _______.

It’s a rice noodle dish served in a very spicy stock made from local river snails and pig bones, stewed for hours with dozens of spices. Various pickled bamboo shoots, dried tofu skin, fresh vegetables, peanuts are then usually added. It won the trademark of National Geographic Indication and was listed as a national intangible cultural heritage in 2020. The dish is called _______.It’s a rice noodle dish served in a very spicy stock made from local river snails and pig bones, stewed for hours with dozens of spices. Various pickled bamboo shoots, dried tofu skin, fresh vegetables, peanuts are then usually added. It won the trademark of National Geographic Indication and was listed as a national intangible cultural heritage in 2020. The dish is called _______.
A、Sichuan hotpot.
B、B.Lanzhou hand-pulled beef noodles.
C、Wuhan hot dry noodles.
D、Liuzhou Luosifen.
喵查答案:Liuzhou Luosifen.

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