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Yalu river forms a natural (boundary) between China and North Korea.A.borderB.stringC.sp

热门题目 网课答案 2022-10-11 扫描二维码

题目:Yalu river forms a natural (boundary) between China and North Korea.A.borderB.stringC.sp

[Yalu river forms a natural (boundary) between China and North Korea., A.border, B.string, C.spot, D.zone]$[A
该题句意为:鸭绿江是中朝两国天然的分界线。border:边界、边疆。例如:They fled across the border.他们穿越边界逃走了。string:绳子。例如:He held out a small bag tied with string.他拿出一个系着细绳 的小袋子。spot:地场所。例如:He did not mention having been on the spot.他没说他当时在场。zone:区域。例如:How is the economic development zone going on?现在经济开发区怎样了?]

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