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4. Which statement is true about the earth’s movement? A. The earth spins and travels around the sun at the same time. B. One day is the time it takes the earth to travel around the sun once. C. One year is the time it takes the earth to spin around once. D. It is impossible to measure the earth’s movement.

热门题目 网课答案 2022-10-11 扫描二维码

题目:4. Which statement is true about the earth’s movement? A. The earth spins and travels around the sun at the same time. B. One day is the time it takes the earth to travel around the sun once. C. One year is the time it takes the earth to spin around once. D. It is impossible to measure the earth’s movement.

[A、答案A, B、答案B, C、答案C, D、答案D]$[A]

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