快乐学习 一个网站喵查铺子(catpuzi.com)全搞定~

中国大学MOOC 软件工程-东北大学 测验与作业答案


第一章 引言

1 Which of the following statements about software is true? __________以下哪个语是正确的? _______

2 Which of the following statements is not correct? _______ 以下哪个语句是不正确的? _______

3 Which of the following statements about computer science and software engineering is correct? ______关于计算机科学和软件工程的以下语句哪个是正确的? ______

4 Which of the following is true about the possible effect of adding new programmers to a software project?__关于增加新程序员到软件项目的可能效果,下列哪个是正确的?__

5 Which of the following is not software? __________以下哪项不是软件? __________

6 Software engineers shall act consistently with the _______ interest.软件工程师应按照和_______的利益一致行事。

7 Which of the following is not a software engineering code of ethics?______以下哪项不是软件工程的道德规范?_____

8 Which of the following statements about software characteristics is true? _________关于软件特性的描述哪项是对的? _________

9 ___________ is a discipline whose aim is the production of fault-free software, delivered on time and within budget, that satisfies the client’s needs. ___________是一个学科,其目标是生产无故障的软件,按时,在预算内交付,满足客户的需求。

10 Which of the following is true?____________以下哪项是正确的? ___________

11 Which of the following is not software ? ___________以下哪项不是软件? ___________

12 Which of the following statements about ethical issues is not correct? ___________关于伦理问题的以下哪些语句是不正确的? ___________

第二章 软件过程

1 Which of the following statements is true? _________下列哪项是正确的? _________

2 The series of phases that software undergoes, from concept exploration to final retirement, is termed its ______.软件经历的系列阶段,从概念探索到最终退役,被称为其______。

3 Which of the following statements about software life cycle is true? ___________关于软件生命周期的描述以下哪项是对的? ___________

4 Suppose that the maintenance programmer has located a fault and must fix it without inadvertently introducing another fault elsewhere in the product, that is, a ________.假设维护程序员已经找到故障并且必须修复它,而不会无意中在产品的其他地方引入另一个故障,即________。

5 ______ is to check regression faults.______是检查回归错误。

6 Software testing is _______.软件测试是______。

7 Software testing ___________.软件测试______。

8 Software testing aims to ______.软件测试旨在______。

9 Inspection and walkthrough are two types of _________.审查和走查是两种类型的_________。

10 Which of the following statements is true? _______以下哪个语句是正确的? __________

11 In which of the following phases of software development is it the cheapest to fix a fault? _______在软件开发的以下哪个阶段解决故障最廉价? _______

12 Which of the following statements is not correct? ________以下哪个语句是不正确的? __________

13 Which of the following statements is not true? __________以下哪个语句是不正确的? __________

14 Which of the following should be treated as a separate phase of software life cycle? ______下列哪一个应该被视为软件生命周期的单独阶段? ______

第三章 软件需求

1 Which of the following is true? _______以下哪个是对的? _______

2 Which of the following statements is not correct? _____以下哪个语句是不正确的? _____

3 Requirements are not the ______ of a software system.需求不是软件系统的______。

4 Requirements workflow is to _______.需求工作流程旨在_______。

5 The rapid prototyping model of software development is ________.软件开发的快速原型模型是________。

6 Which of the following statements is not correct? 以下哪个语句是不正确的? __________

第四章 面向对象范型

1 Which of the following is not a UML diagram? __________下列哪一个不是UML图? __________

2 Two modules are ________ coupled if they have write access to global data.如果两个模块对全局数据具有写访问权限,则是________耦合。

3 Two modules are ______ coupled if one directly references contents of the other.如果一个直接引用另一个的内容,两个模块______耦合。

4 Two modules are ______ coupled if a data structure is passed as a parameter, but the called module operates on some but not all of the individual components of the data structure. 如果将数据结构作为参数传递,但被调用模块对数据结构的一些但不是所有组件进行操作,则两个模块______耦合。

5 Two modules are ________ coupled if one passes an element of control to the other. 如果一个控制元素传递给另一个,两个模块是________耦合。

6 Which of the following statements about module is wrong? _________关于模块的以下语句中哪个是错误的? ________

7 Which of the following cannot be taken as a module? ________以下哪项不能作为模块? ________

8 A ________ is a lexically contiguous sequence of program statements, bounded by boundary elements, with an aggregate identifier.________是由边界元素限定的具有聚合标识符的程序语句的词法连续序列

9 A module is ________cohesion if its actions should be performed in a same time period. 如果模块的动作应在相同的时间段内执行,则模块是________内聚。

10 In good design, modules should have ________.在良好的设计中,模块应该有________。

11 It is termed ______ that a method can be applied to objects of different classes, which means “of many shapes”.一种方法可以应用于不同类的对象,这意味着“具有多种形态”,这被称为______。

12 Invoking the correct method to be done at run time (dynamically) and not at compile time (statically), the act of connecting an object to the appropriate method is termed _________.调用正确的方法是在运行时完成(动态)而不是在编译时(静态),将对象连接到适当方法的这种行为称为________。

13 Which of the following statements is wrong? ________下列哪个语句是不正确的?________

14 Which of the following cannot be a way to implement polymorphism in Java? _______下列哪项不是java实现多态的方式?_______

15 UML is an abbreviation of __________.UML是__________的缩写。

16 Which of the following statements is not correct? __________下列哪个语句是不正确的?______

17 Which of the following statements is true? ______下列哪个语句是正确的?______

18 A verb or a verb phrase must be used to describe the relationship between two classes with _______.描述两类之间的_______关系时,必须使用一个动词或动词短语。

19 Every class engaged in a relationship should have a multiplicity except _______.除_______关系外,每一个参与关系的类都有多重性。

20 The relationship between whole-class and part-classes is called ______. 整体和部分类之间的关系被称为______。

21 Which of the following is not a UML diagram? __________下列哪一个不是UML图? __________

22 Two modules are ________ coupled if they have write access to global data.如果两个模块对全局数据具有写访问权限,则是________耦合。

23 Two modules are ______ coupled if one directly references contents of the other.如果一个直接引用另一个的内容,两个模块______耦合。

24 Two modules are ______ coupled if a data structure is passed as a parameter, but the called module operates on some but not all of the individual components of the data structure. 如果将数据结构作为参数传递,但被调用模块对数据结构的一些但不是所有组件进行操作,则两个模块______耦合。

25 Two modules are ________ coupled if one passes an element of control to the other. 如果一个控制元素传递给另一个,两个模块是________耦合。

26 Which of the following statements about module is wrong? _________关于模块的以下语句中哪个是错误的? ________

27 Which of the following cannot be taken as a module? ________以下哪项不能作为模块? ________

28 A ________ is a lexically contiguous sequence of program statements, bounded by boundary elements, with an aggregate identifier.________是由边界元素限定的具有聚合标识符的程序语句的词法连续序列

29 A module is ________cohesion if its actions should be performed in a same time period. 如果模块的动作应在相同的时间段内执行,则模块是________内聚。

30 In good design, modules should have ________.在良好的设计中,模块应该有________。

31 It is termed ______ that a method can be applied to objects of different classes, which means “of many shapes”.一种方法可以应用于不同类的对象,这意味着“具有多种形态”,这被称为______。

32 Invoking the correct method to be done at run time (dynamically) and not at compile time (statically), the act of connecting an object to the appropriate method is termed _________.调用正确的方法是在运行时完成(动态)而不是在编译时(静态),将对象连接到适当方法的这种行为称为________。

33 Which of the following statements is wrong? ________下列哪个语句是不正确的?________

34 Which of the following cannot be a way to implement polymorphism in Java? _______下列哪项不是java实现多态的方式?_______

35 UML is an abbreviation of __________.UML是__________的缩写。

36 Which of the following statements is not correct? __________下列哪个语句是不正确的?______

37 Which of the following statements is true? ______下列哪个语句是正确的?______

38 A verb or a verb phrase must be used to describe the relationship between two classes with _______.描述两类之间的_______关系时,必须使用一个动词或动词短语。

39 Every class engaged in a relationship should have a multiplicity except _______.除_______关系外,每一个参与关系的类都有多重性。

40 The relationship between whole-class and part-classes is called ______. 整体和部分类之间的关系被称为______。

41 The relationship between super-class and subclasses is called ______.超类和子类之间的关系称为______。

42 The strategy of inheritance is to use inheritance wherever _______.继承的策略是在_______的情况下使用继承。

43 Which of the following statements is not correct? ________下列哪个语句是不正确的?

44 Which of the following statements is not correct?下列哪个语句是不正确的?

45 _____is to encapsulate the attributes and operations in an object, and hides the internal details of an object as possible. _____是为了在一个对象中封装属性和操作,并尽可能隐藏对象的内部细节。

46 Two modules are ______ coupled if all parameters are homogeneous data items, simple parameters, or data structures all of whose elements are used by called module.如果所有参数都是同类数据项,简单参数或数据结构中所有的元素都由被调用的模块使用,则两个模块______耦合。



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