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中国大学MOOC 英语演讲与辩论-湖南师范大学 测验与作业答案

中国大学MOOC答案 数据帝 2024-03-22 扫描二维码

第一周 Introduction to Public Speaking 公共演讲入门

1 The right postures of making a speech include the following except_______.
hanging your arms loosely by your side
喵查答案:planting your feet widely
looking over your audience and smiling
none of the above

2 We can present the main points by employing the following orders except _______.
 chronological order
topical order
喵查答案:alphabetical order
none of the above

3 To get the attention and interest of the audience, you can take the following methods except_______.
posing a question
telling a story
喵查答案:making a long statement
none of the above

4 Mr. Roosevelt was a very ethical speaker because_______.
he was paralyzed
he gave speech
喵查答案:he managed to stand up and made a speech for his country
none of the above

5 According to a professional speech consultant, _______ can reduce stage fright by up to 75 percent.
rich experience
none of the above

6 Cicero, the greatest speech maker in ancient Rome, felt _______ when making a speech.
none of the above

7 Without the nutritious base of_______, a good speech is impossible to occur.
critical thinking
none of the above

8 What channel did Winston Churchill employ when making speech during the Second World War?
none of the above

9 To draw audience’s attention, a good speaker always shows _______ to/for his/her speech.
a craze
none of the above

10 Which of the following is NOT one of the great English speakers in the history of the last one hundred years?
Winston Churchil.
喵查答案:Adam Smith.
Martin Luther King.
none of the above

第二周 Speech Preparation: Getting Started 演讲准备:起始部分

1  In your speech you include the statement made by a top student in your class to illustrate the importance of study habits, this kind of testimony is called _______.
expert testimony
celebrity testimony
喵查答案:peer testimony
none of the above

2 Which of the following sources may not be considered reliable or trustworthy when a speaker cites statistics from them?
government websites
喵查答案:personal blogs
academic institutions
none of the above

3 Lord Kelvin once said “When you can measure what you are speaking about, and express it in _______, you know something about it.”
none of the above

4 ___________ is an example that describes an imaginary or fictitious situation.
喵查答案:A hypothetical example
An extended example
A brief example
none of the above

5  Many experienced speakers consider _________ “ the very life of speeches”.
none of the above

6 It’s important to prevent your purpose from_______.
喵查答案:being general
being clear
being specific
none of the above

7 Which of the following is NOT one of the three general purposes of public speech?
To inform.
To persuade.
喵查答案:To criticize.
none of the above

8 If you have served as a volunteer teacher, probably you can talk about_______.
your love for music
喵查答案:your experience of being a volunteer teacher
your findings during the travel
none of the above

9 “To impose legal measures and moral criticism on domestic violence” is no more instructive than “domestic violence”. _______.

10 Without an eye to observe and a mind to do real thinking, you cannot find the most suitable topic. _______.

第四周 Speech Preparation: Organizing and Outlining (2) 演讲准备:组织和设计(2)

1 According to the lecture, which of the following might NOT be the effect of insufficient sleep?
Increased mistakes
none of the above

2 Comparatively speaking, the solution part is _____ the problem part in problem-solution order.
as important as
less important than
喵查答案:more important than
none of the above

3 Chronological order is a method of speech organization in which the main points follow a _____ pattern.
none of the above

4 A good speaker always organizes his speech in a/an _____ way so that the audience can follow his ideas from beginning to end.
none of the above

5 Why do we need to label the introduction, body and conclusion?
Because this helps the outline look better.
喵查答案:Because this marks each as a distinct part of the speech.
Because this establishes your credibility.
none of the above

6 Which of the following is NOT included in the preparation outline?
the introduction, body and conclusion
the title, specific purpose and central idea
喵查答案:pauses and loudness of your voice
none of the above

7 An outline can help you do the following EXCEPT          .
group your ideas into main points and see their logical connections.
ensure that ideas flow from one to another.
喵查答案:ensure that you will stand straight on the stage.
none of the above

8 Which of the following statements is NOT correct?
People all enjoy stories.
Stories are attractive if they are provocative, amusing, dramatic or suspenseful.
喵查答案:Stories may not be relevant to the topic if they are very interesting and funny.
none of the above

9 A good conclusion _____.
continues to discuss on the topic with presenting more points
喵查答案:alerts listeners that the speech is going to end
none of the above
ends the speech abruptly

10 A good beginning _____.
喵查答案:prepares listeners for what is to come
doesn’t tell listeners the main idea of the speech
contributes little to the effect of the whole speech
none of the above

第五周 Presenting the Speech 演讲的传达

1 Which of the following is not recommended when you prepare text slides?
Choose a typeface that is simple and easy to read.
Avoid a lot of different colors.
喵查答案:Use all capital letters to emphasize a long sentence.
Use a contrasting color or bold print to emphasize a word or phrase.

2 Which of the following graphs are usually used to compare proportions?
Bar graphs.
Line graphs.
喵查答案:Pie graphs.
Pictorial graphs.

3 Which of the following is NOT an advantages of speaking extemporaneously?
It gives more precise control over thought and language than impromptu speaking.
It offers greater spontaneity and directness than speaking from memory and reading from manuscript.
喵查答案:It relieves the speaker of the burden of speaking in front of a large audience.
none of the above

4 The 3-step method to help organize an impromptu speech includes: 1) State the point you wish to make; 2) Support your point with evidence and reasoning and 3)               .
喵查答案:Summarize your point
Add humor to your conclusion
Summarize your evidence
none of the above

5 Which of the following statement is NOT correct about a good delivery?
A good delivery should be direct, animated, lively and expressive.
A good delivery combines a certain degree of formality with the best attributes of good conversation—directness, spontaneity, animation, vocal and facial expressiveness and a lively sense of communication.
喵查答案:A good delivery is informal and resembles casual conversation.
none of the above

6 What is NOT regarded as a way to achieve vividness in public speaking?
none of the above

7 Which statement is NOT correct about concrete words?
none of the above
Concrete words are words that you can see, feel, hear, smell, touch and taste.
喵查答案:“Honesty,” “pride,” and “patriotism” are concrete words.
Concrete words refer to tangible objects—people, places, and things.

8 What words can ensure that the ordinary listeners understand easily?
喵查答案:short, old words
big, bloated words
technical terms
none of the above

9 Which of the following is NOT a reason for the speaker to use language clearly?
A speaker’s meaning must be immediately comprehensible because listeners cannot turn to a dictionary to discover their meaning.
喵查答案:A speaker’s meaning must be immediately comprehensible because listeners are far from the speaker.
A speaker’s meaning must be immediately comprehensible because listeners cannot reread an author’s words to discover their meaning.
none of the above

10 ________ show more clearly whether values are increasing or decreasing over time.
喵查答案:Line graphs.
Bar graphs.
Pie graphs.
Pictorial graphs.



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