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中国大学MOOC 职场英语-西南交通大学 测验与作业答案


Unit One Know yourself

1 which word can be used to describe a person who is always on time?

2 Job-seekers _________  the post.
喵查答案:apply for
write to

3 After several months, a finance company in Madrid ________ Esther a place on a three-month graduate trainee scheme. At the end of the three months, Esther was the only person out of the ten trainees to be selected for a permanent job. Of course, Esther was very happy to accept.

4 Esther Garcia graduated from university with a degree in telecommunications. But finding her first job was very hard. She searched all the ________ in the newspaper and on the internet.
喵查答案:job ads

5 Complete the sentence with the following words.  -The  candidate _______ or declines the offer.

6 Complete the sentence with the following words.   -Candidates _______ their interview.

7 Complete the sentence with the following words.     -Job-seekers ________for the post.
喵查答案: applied

8 Complete the sentence with the following words.         -The employer ________ the job to the best candidate.

9 Please match the types of personalities with the types of employees based on John Holland Vocational Test in Lesson 3.  a. investigative            g. the Do-ers b. realistic                h. the organizers c. conventional             i. the Helpersd. social                   j. the thinkerse. artistic                 k. the persuaders f. enterprising             l. the Creator 
喵查答案:a-j, b-g, c-h
d-i, e-g, f-k
a-j, b-g, ,c-k
d-i ,e-l, f-g

10 What is the most possible relationship between the two persons in dialog 3 in Lesson 1?
Students and career consultant.
喵查答案:Boyfriend and girlfriend.

11  Which statement is true according to dialog 2 in Lesson 1? 
喵查答案:One girl is leaving her current job and the other girl is thinking about going to graduate school.
The girl who is changing her job has been working in her current job for a long time.
The girl’s current position is the first job after her graduation.
The girl suggested the other girl to invest in education.

12 Which career goal is NOT mentioned by the students in dialog 1 in Lesson 1?
civil servant.

13 What are the suggestions from the consultants in Lesson 4? 
喵查答案:Adjust your resume according to the particular requirements of a job offer.
喵查答案:State your career objective clearly in your resume.
喵查答案:Make a balance of your interests and competence.
喵查答案:Accumulate more working experience as well as socializing techniques.
喵查答案:Conduct an informational interview with the insiders about the job you are interested.
喵查答案:Be patient and never stop learning from small things.
喵查答案:Pay more attention to basics.
喵查答案:Consider which is your first priority: accumulating more working experience or extending academic competence?

14 What is Mark Zuckerberg and Jack Ma‘s suggestions for new entrepreneurs based on their talk in Lesson 2? 
Sell your house if necessary to set up a company.
Its very cool to have a company in the Silicon Valley no matter the founder has a clear goal or not. 
喵查答案:Youd better have a clear idea about what problem you wish to solve before you set up a company.
喵查答案:The most important thing is to have real passion for your work.

15 Before making a career choice, we should spare no efforts to collect information related to the position you are interested in. 

16 Internet is the only channel for university graduates to search for a job. 

17 when making career plan, you should always focus on your own aspiration rather than societal expectations.

18 when making a career choice, personality should not be taken into account. 

19 when making a career choice, it’s a must to find a job always related to your major.

20 It’s not necessary to make a career plan before graduation. 

21 Read the passage and decide whether the following statement is true or false.Monster.com, the pioneer of online recruitment, shows how electronic marketplaces reach more people and can offer more efficiency than physical markets. It also shows that money can be made in such markets: Monster has a long record of profitability.Jeff Taylor, who launched the site in 1994, says that the Monster.com name is the firm’s “single most important success factor”. it introduces an image of youthful fun in what is basically a boring business. Supporting the brand is a big advertising budget which accounts for a quarter of the firm’s costs. He runs expensive ads during key sporting events such as the Super Bowl.Job-seekers supply resumes and employers pay to scan them or to post job ads. Most of the services that job-seekers get are free, but they have to pay for a service that allows them to contact each other for advice and career management. They can use this service to ask each other questions about, say, what it is like to work for a firm that they are thinking of joining.The main contribution of Monster has been to speed up hiring and vastly increase the accuracy of the job-searching process. “you can post a job at 2 pm and get your first response at 2.01,” Mr Taylor says proudly. And an employer who knows exactly what he wants can use Monster’s filter to search vast number of resumes with precise accuracy. Monster is a serious threat to newspapers,which historically made 40% of the revenues from carrying ads, up to half of which were for staff. Headhunting firms have also lost business, because demand for their help in filling lower-level jobs has fallen.The online job market works well for workers and employers who know what they want. It works badly for people who are unsure. Check that your resume says clearly what kind of job you want. The filters will then make sure that it reaches the right human resources department.Decide whether the following statement is true or false:Monster.com helps to speed up the hiring process for employers. However, it contributes moderately in terms of improving the accuracy of the job-searching process. 

22 Read the passage and decide whether the following statement is true or false.Monster.com, the pioneer of online recruitment, shows how electronic marketplaces reach more people and can offer more efficiency than physical markets. It also shows that money can be made in such markets: Monster has a long record of profitability.Jeff Taylor, who launched the site in 1994, says that the Monster.com name is the firm’s “single most important success factor”. it introduces an image of youthful fun in what is basically a boring business. Supporting the brand is a big advertising budget which accounts for a quarter of the firm’s costs. He runs expensive ads during key sporting events such as the Super Bowl.Job-seekers supply resumes and employers pay to scan them or to post job ads. Most of the services that job-seekers get are free, but they have to pay for a service that allows them to contact each other for advice and career management. They can use this service to ask each other questions about, say, what it is like to work for a firm that they are thinking of joining.The main contribution of Monster has been to speed up hiring and vastly increase the accuracy of the job-searching process. “you can post a job at 2 pm and get your first response at 2.01,” Mr Taylor says proudly. And an employer who knows exactly what he wants can use Monster’s filter to search vast number of resumes with precise accuracy. Monster is a serious threat to newspapers,which historically made 40% of the revenues from carrying ads, up to half of which were for staff. Headhunting firms have also lost business, because demand for their help in filling lower-level jobs has fallen.The online job market works well for workers and employers who know what they want. It works badly for people who are unsure. Check that your resume says clearly what kind of job you want. The filters will then make sure that it reaches the right human resources department.Decide whether the following statement is true or false:To fund key sporting events is an important way to promote the brand for Monster.com.

23 Which aspects should you assess yourself when making a career plan? 

Unit Two Preparation for challenge

1 M: Hey, Helen, don’t be late for the seminar this afternoon. Have you made up your mind?F: No, I still have no idea. M: Did you talk to your supervisor?F: Yes, she encouraged me to focus on my academic development. So, maybe a MA degree.Q: What will be Helen’s choice of her future?
Work abroad
Run her own business
Find a job related to her major
喵查答案:Do further study

2 Choose the best word to complete the sentence.Among the 200 candidates who applied for this job, the HR manager has only _________12 of them for the interview.

3 Which is the way that uses social network to spread job information?
Job ads column in newspapers.
喵查答案:Wechat or LinkedIn.
Job affair.
The job website.

4 Which of the following is NOT the function of a cover letter?
A cover letter reveals your willingness to work for the company.
You can emphasize the qualifications related to the job description in your cover letter.
Its important to remember that the cover letter makes a first impression. 
喵查答案:A cover letter demonstrates your writing skills. 

5 Which statement is NOT TRUE about a cover letter?
Do a little research about the company before you write the letter.
喵查答案:You can write the cover letter in three pages with specific information . 
Its important to pay particular attention to spelling, grammar, and readability.
Dont list everything that youve included in your cover letter. 

6 Complete the sentence with the following words.Before you __________ your application form, dont forget to _______ it and make sure the layout is clean.
喵查答案:submit, fill out
fill out, selected
fill out, proofread
喵查答案:submit, proofread

7 The items below are the elements for writing in a resume. Please mark those that should not include.
working experience
喵查答案:all your education
喵查答案:marital status
connecting references
volunteer work

8 Which of the following statements about preparing for resume are NOT true?
喵查答案:Include a detailed description of your hobbies and interests.
Provide the names of three references who can be contacted by a prospective employer.
Include your name, and current address, email address, and telephone numbers.
喵查答案:Outline your educational history starting with your earliest studies.
Include other related training and courses that you have taken.
List your work experience starting with your most recent employment.


Read the following statements about preparing a resume. When you preparing a resume, you should:
Always give your age and marital status.
喵查答案:Provide a current address and phone number.
Always use your friends as references.
List all your employment experience.
喵查答案:Use a reliable, non-gimmicky email address.

10 What are the main parts of a CV?
喵查答案:Personal Information.
喵查答案:Professional Service.
喵查答案:Honors and Awards.
University Service.

11 Please read the following  statements about cover letter and chose the ones you think are true.
喵查答案:A cover letter introduces you and your resume to the employer.
喵查答案:A cover letter is as important as a resume.
A cover letter can be sent to all employer.
A cover letter gives factual information and details about your career so far.

12 What should you do to identify your career choice?
喵查答案:Assess yourself.
喵查答案:Surf online for useful information.
喵查答案:Conduct informational interviews with insiders.
喵查答案:Train for your new career.
喵查答案:Write a career plan.
喵查答案:Make a list of occupations.
喵查答案:Explore the occupations on your list.
喵查答案:Set your goals.

13 What are the main parts of a job ad?
喵查答案:company history
喵查答案:job responsibilities
喵查答案:the position
喵查答案:salary and benefits
喵查答案:ways to apply

14 To prepare for your job research, what steps are useful?  
喵查答案:Create a targeted resume
喵查答案:Be fully prepared 
喵查答案:Reset your attitude 
喵查答案:Know what you need 

15 Which of the following statements are true about the  differences between CV and cover letter? 
A cover letter is much more important than a CV.
喵查答案:You should explain why you apply for the position at the beginning of a cover letter. 
The layout of a CV and cover letter is same. 
喵查答案:A cover letter should be kept in no more than one page, but a CV is longer with details.

16 What qualifications can be listed in a CV of a currently employed person?
Bachelor of Science in Accounting, Columbia University 
喵查答案:Certified Management Accountant
喵查答案:Certified Financial Planner 
喵查答案:Skilled in Microsoft Office software

17 What are ways of job hunting for applicants? 
喵查答案: Newspaper ads
喵查答案:Family and friends 
喵查答案:Career fair

18 To give a first impression, you must list every skill you possess in the CV.

19 In the closing paragraph of your cover letter, you can restate your interest in the position and say that you look forward to discussing your qualifications at their earliest convenience.  

20 根据中文含义填写完整句子。所有职位都将获得颇具竞争力的工资医疗福利奖金 极佳的培训和职业前景。All positions offer highly _________________, ______________, bonus, excellent training and _________________.  
喵查答案:competitive salaries medical benefits career prospects

Unit Three Interview

1 “Could you tell me about a time you got tough feedback from a supervisor or boss?” The best answer to the above interview question is: _______________
喵查答案:I received feedback that I had been a little short with a client. The feedback was handled very professionally. I understood exactly what, when and why it happened. It hurt to hear, I gladly accepted it and made sure it never happened again.
I was told several times that my contributions to the team were positively recognized and appreciated. I was very happy for this information as I wasn’t really feeling like I was contributing as much as I could have.
The best example was the time I was reprimanded for a goal that had not been met for the quarter due to another individual being a road block for me getting the task done. I was pretty angry as I had told my manager about the problem several times.
None of the above.

2  When answering interview questions it is important to:
喵查答案:Be specific.
Be general.
Stretch the facts to look good.
Seize control of the interview whenever possible.

3 As soon as the interview is over, you should:
Go home and rest. You deserve it.
Replay each question and answer in your mind.
喵查答案:Send an immediate thank you note. 
Sit back and wait for the job offer to come in.

4 What is the one thing you don’t want to do during the first interview?
喵查答案:Negotiate pay.
Connect with the interviewer.
Communicate why you are a good fit.
Close by arranging the next interview.

5 At the start of an interview you should:
Try to find common interests.
Look around the interview’s office for things to comment on.
Shake the interviewers hand firmly and look him or her in the eye. 
喵查答案:All of the above.

6 What is NOT a good question to ask during the job interview?
“Will this position require travel?”
“When do you expect to fill this position?”
喵查答案:“Can I have an office with a window?”
“What will be my responsibilities in this job?”

7 What is a good answer to this question: “How would you feel about working for someone younger than you?”
喵查答案:“I can work well with people of any age.”
“I don’t understand the question.”
“I don’t see how that question is relevant.”
“In my experience, older workers are better colleagues.”

8 If someone asks you why you’re looking for work, what should you NOT say?
“I’m looking for a new challenge.”
喵查答案:“My old boss was a complete idiot.”
“I think this job is right for me based on my experience.”
“My organization was forced to downsize, and I lost my job.”

9 Which is the best way to follow up with a prospective employer after an interview?
Handwritten note.
Phone call.
Phone message.

10 What should you NOT wear to a job interview?
喵查答案:Lots of perfume or aftershave.
Clothing slightly dressier than what you’d wear on the job.
A watch.
Polished shoes.

11 Your job interview is scheduled for 9 a.m. What time should you arrive?
1 minute before the interview begins.
30 minutes before the interview begins.
45 minutes before the interview begins.
喵查答案:10 minutes before the interview begins.

12 What is the best way to greet the person interviewing you?
A kiss on the cheek.
喵查答案:A firm handshake.
A wave from a distance of 15 feet.
A hug.

13 When preparing for the interview, how many questions should you plan to ask the person interviewing you?
None. The focus of the interview is on you answering questions, not asking them.
喵查答案:At least a few. Show you are interested and knowledgeable about the position and organization.
Bring a list of 20 questions and don’t leave until you get them all answered.
None of the above.

14 be good at multitasking  (   )

15 to handle stress easily  (   )

16 in line with  (   )

17  result driven success  (   )

18 to execute the responsibility (   )

19 base rate  (   )

20 corporate culture  (   )
喵查答案: 公司(企业)文化

21 target customer  (   )
喵查答案: 目标客户 

22  promotion ladder  (   )

23 dress code  (   )

24 Interview decides whether an applicant should be _________.
none of above

25 “Could you tell me about a time you experienced professional growth?” The best answer to the above interview question is: _________________
Absolutely. Professional growth is paramount to me. I have a very clear plan for where I want my career to go and I set very specific goals. And as long as I am given ample guidance I fully expect to be able to grow throughout my career.
喵查答案:I once managed a high-needs client. I regularly tweaked how I communicated so they knew I was building our mutual success. The regular adjustments meant I inevitably slipped up from time-to-time, but I learned from my mistakes.
I experience professional growth every day. There are just so many examples. I am always highly invested in learning new things and in growing. It’s a priority for me, really.
None of the above.

26 “Could you tell me about a time you worked as part of a team?” The best answer to the above interview question is: _________________
喵查答案:I helped build our professional services with a team of peers. We wholeheartedly provided our thoughts and ideas and shared our professional experience. I clearly remember us process mapping with a big whiteboard, in a free-flowing, brainstorming way.
I imagine my best team experience would be one where we could walk through a project schedule, get on the same page, talk through issues and roadblocks, and set a plan of action. That would be an incredible experience.
The new product launch would be one of the best examples of teamwork that I saw at my last job. They established good camaraderie, learned from each other, and discussed how to continue to be successful working with other departments in the company.
None of the above.

27 “________________________________”     “We provide employees with complete medical and dental coverage, and we have a vision care plan you can opt into.”
喵查答案:What kind of insurance do you offer?
What kind of insuring do you offer?
 What is your annual bonus?
 What are your benefits?

28 “_______________________________.”     “I’ve always earned in the mid-range of the national average for my position.”
Can you tell me about your salary expectations?
喵查答案: Can you tell me about your salary history?
Can you tell me what salary you’re hoping for?
 Can you tell me about your wage gap?

29 The interview went great, but the salary was the _______ point.

30 How many sick ________ do we get per year? 
喵查答案: leaves

31 “Could you tell me about a time you got tough feedback from a supervisor or boss?” The best answer to the above interview question is: _______________
喵查答案:I received feedback that I had been a little short with a client. The feedback was handled very professionally. I understood exactly what, when and why it happened. It hurt to hear, I gladly accepted it and made sure it never happened again.
I was told several times that my contributions to the team were positively recognized and appreciated. I was very happy for this information as I wasn’t really feeling like I was contributing as much as I could have.
The best example was the time I was reprimanded for a goal that had not been met for the quarter due to another individual being a road block for me getting the task done. I was pretty angry as I had told my manager about the problem several times.
None of the above.

32  When answering interview questions it is important to:
喵查答案:Be specific.
Be general.
Stretch the facts to look good.
Seize control of the interview whenever possible.

33 As soon as the interview is over, you should:
Go home and rest. You deserve it.
Replay each question and answer in your mind.
喵查答案:Send an immediate thank you note. 
Sit back and wait for the job offer to come in.

34 What is the one thing you don’t want to do during the first interview?
喵查答案:Negotiate pay.
Connect with the interviewer.
Communicate why you are a good fit.
Close by arranging the next interview.

35 At the start of an interview you should:
Try to find common interests.
Look around the interview’s office for things to comment on.
Shake the interviewers hand firmly and look him or her in the eye. 
喵查答案:All of the above.

36 What is NOT a good question to ask during the job interview?
“Will this position require travel?”
“When do you expect to fill this position?”
喵查答案:“Can I have an office with a window?”
“What will be my responsibilities in this job?”

37 What is a good answer to this question: “How would you feel about working for someone younger than you?”
喵查答案:“I can work well with people of any age.”
“I don’t understand the question.”
“I don’t see how that question is relevant.”
“In my experience, older workers are better colleagues.”

38 If someone asks you why you’re looking for work, what should you NOT say?
“I’m looking for a new challenge.”
喵查答案:“My old boss was a complete idiot.”
“I think this job is right for me based on my experience.”
“My organization was forced to downsize, and I lost my job.”

39 Which is the best way to follow up with a prospective employer after an interview?
Handwritten note.
Phone call.
Phone message.

40 What should you NOT wear to a job interview?
喵查答案:Lots of perfume or aftershave.
Clothing slightly dressier than what you’d wear on the job.
A watch.
Polished shoes.

41 Your job interview is scheduled for 9 a.m. What time should you arrive?
1 minute before the interview begins.
30 minutes before the interview begins.
45 minutes before the interview begins.
喵查答案:10 minutes before the interview begins.

42 What is the best way to greet the person interviewing you?
A kiss on the cheek.
喵查答案:A firm handshake.
A wave from a distance of 15 feet.
A hug.

43 When preparing for the interview, how many questions should you plan to ask the person interviewing you?
None. The focus of the interview is on you answering questions, not asking them.
喵查答案:At least a few. Show you are interested and knowledgeable about the position and organization.
Bring a list of 20 questions and don’t leave until you get them all answered.
None of the above.

44 be good at multitasking  (   )

45 to handle stress easily  (   )

46 in line with  (   )

47  result driven success  (   )

48 to execute the responsibility (   )

49 base rate  (   )

50 corporate culture  (   )
喵查答案: 公司(企业)文化

51 target customer  (   )
喵查答案: 目标客户 

52  promotion ladder  (   )

53 dress code  (   )

54 Interview decides whether an applicant should be _________.
none of above

55 “Could you tell me about a time you experienced professional growth?” The best answer to the above interview question is: _________________
Absolutely. Professional growth is paramount to me. I have a very clear plan for where I want my career to go and I set very specific goals. And as long as I am given ample guidance I fully expect to be able to grow throughout my career.
喵查答案:I once managed a high-needs client. I regularly tweaked how I communicated so they knew I was building our mutual success. The regular adjustments meant I inevitably slipped up from time-to-time, but I learned from my mistakes.
I experience professional growth every day. There are just so many examples. I am always highly invested in learning new things and in growing. It’s a priority for me, really.
None of the above.

56 “Could you tell me about a time you worked as part of a team?” The best answer to the above interview question is: _________________
喵查答案:I helped build our professional services with a team of peers. We wholeheartedly provided our thoughts and ideas and shared our professional experience. I clearly remember us process mapping with a big whiteboard, in a free-flowing, brainstorming way.
I imagine my best team experience would be one where we could walk through a project schedule, get on the same page, talk through issues and roadblocks, and set a plan of action. That would be an incredible experience.
The new product launch would be one of the best examples of teamwork that I saw at my last job. They established good camaraderie, learned from each other, and discussed how to continue to be successful working with other departments in the company.
None of the above.

57 “________________________________”     “We provide employees with complete medical and dental coverage, and we have a vision care plan you can opt into.”
喵查答案:What kind of insurance do you offer?
What kind of insuring do you offer?
 What is your annual bonus?
 What are your benefits?

58 “_______________________________.”     “I’ve always earned in the mid-range of the national average for my position.”
Can you tell me about your salary expectations?
喵查答案: Can you tell me about your salary history?
Can you tell me what salary you’re hoping for?
 Can you tell me about your wage gap?

59 The interview went great, but the salary was the _______ point.

60 How many sick ________ do we get per year? 
喵查答案: leaves

61 Appropriateness and neatness are two crucial factors you need to consider while dressing up for a job interview. 

62 Job applicants should initiate personal discussions to close the distance with the interviewers.

63 At the end of the interview, job applicants should ask directly about the salary and the vacation.  

64 Interview requires careful preparations, such as resume and other materials. 

65 Interview should be strictly organized.  

66 Interview is carried out face to face only.

67 As for the job applicants, male and female, wearing _______(名词) is the best choice for any formal occasion.

68 At the end of an interview, when the candidates are going to ask the interviewers some questions, they must be very careful to avoid some commonly asked __________(单元主题相关名词).

69 Some company will pay specific attention to the compensation expectations of job ___________(名词) in its recruitment efforts.

70 One of the most popularly used devices for employee selection is _______(单元主题相关名词).




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