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F: Hello, Marilyn speaking.M:Marilyn, this is Orsen Parker from Technoworld. You passed the interview and we’d like you to join our team. Congratulations! Could you start next Monday morning at 9 o’clock sharp?F: Thank you! That’s great! Yes, Monday morning at 9 o’clock would be fantastic.M:OK, super. Before you begin, would you please prepare the files required by our corporation which I will send you an email later. And we also need you to fill out some additional paperwork. Is there a day this week that you could come in for an hour or two?F: Of course, I will be there on time. When does Orsen want Marilyn to come for a start?

F: Hello, Marilyn speaking.M:Marilyn, this is Orsen Parker from Technoworld. You passed the interview and we’d like you to join our team. Congratulations! Could you start next Monday morning at 9 o’clock sharp?F: Thank you! That’s great! Yes, Monday morning at 9 o’clock would be fantastic.M:OK, super. Before you begin, would you please prepare the files required by our corporation which I will send you an email later. And we also need you to fill out some additional paperwork. Is there a day this week that you could come in for an hour or two?F: Of course, I will be there on time. When does Orsen want Marilyn to come for a start?
A、Tuesday at 9 o’clock B、Monday at 9 o’clock C、Friday at 9 o’clock D、Wednesday at 9 o’clock 喵查答案:Monday at 9 o’clock ……继续阅读 »


F: Hello, Marilyn speaking.M:Marilyn, this is Orsen Parker from Technoworld. You passed the interview and we’d like you to join our team. Congratulations! Could you start next Monday morning at 9 o’clock sharp?F: Thank you! That’s great! Yes, Monday morning at 9 o’clock would be fantastic.M:OK, super. Before you begin, would you please prepare the files required by our corporation which I will send you an email later. And we also need you to fill out some additional paperwork. Is there a day this week that you could come in for an hour or two?F: Of course, I will be there on time. How will Orsen send the files which Marilyn has to prepare?

F: Hello, Marilyn speaking.M:Marilyn, this is Orsen Parker from Technoworld. You passed the interview and we’d like you to join our team. Congratulations! Could you start next Monday morning at 9 o’clock sharp?F: Thank you! That’s great! Yes, Monday morning at 9 o’clock would be fantastic.M:OK, super. Before you begin, would you please prepare the files required by our corporation which I will send you an email later. And we also need you to fill out some additional paperwork. Is there a day this week that you could come in for an hour or two?F: Of course, I will be there on time. How will Orsen send the files which Marilyn has to prepare?
A、By e-mail B、By telegram C、By fax D、By phone 喵查答案:By e-mail ……继续阅读 »


F: Hello, Marilyn speaking.M:Marilyn, this is Orsen Parker from Technoworld. You passed the interview and we’d like you to join our team. Congratulations! Could you start next Monday morning at 9 o’clock sharp?F: Thank you! That’s great! Yes, Monday morning at 9 o’clock would be fantastic.M:OK, super. Before you begin, would you please prepare the files required by our corporation which I will send you an email later. And we also need you to fill out some additional paperwork. Is there a day this week that you could come in for an hour or two?F: Of course, I will be there on time. What does Marilyn need to do when meeting Orsen?

F: Hello, Marilyn speaking.M:Marilyn, this is Orsen Parker from Technoworld. You passed the interview and we’d like you to join our team. Congratulations! Could you start next Monday morning at 9 o’clock sharp?F: Thank you! That’s great! Yes, Monday morning at 9 o’clock would be fantastic.M:OK, super. Before you begin, would you please prepare the files required by our corporation which I will send you an email later. And we also need you to fill out some additional paperwork. Is there a day this week that you could come in for an hour or two?F: Of course, I will be there on time. What does Marilyn need to do when meeting Orsen?
A、Fill out some paperwork B、Turn in her CV C、Make a presentation D、Have a business dinner 喵查答案:Fill out some paperwork ……继续阅读 »


F:   Bob, did you contact technical support about my computer? I’m working on an important presentation, and all my work is on that computer.M:  Yes, I called them. They told me they’d send someone over tomorrow afternoon.F:   Tomorrow afternoon? That will be too late. I’m meeting with my clients at 4     tomorrow to discuss ways to promote their company. Could you please call tech     support again, and ask them if they can come any sooner?M:   Sure, I’ll call them right away. I’ll talk to a supervisor to make sure they get a technician over here today.What does the woman want Bob to do?

F:   Bob, did you contact technical support about my computer? I’m working on an important presentation, and all my work is on that computer.M:  Yes, I called them. They told me they’d send someone over tomorrow afternoon.F:   Tomorrow afternoon? That will be too late. I’m meeting with my clients at 4     tomorrow to discuss ways to promote their company. Could you please call tech     support again, and ask them if they can come any sooner?M:   Sure, I’ll call them right away. I’ll talk to a supervisor to make sure they get a technician over here today.What does the woman want Bob to do?
A、Call technical support B、Help her to fix the machine C、Scan the paper D、Make a presentation 喵查答案:Call technical support ……继续阅读 »


F:   Bob, did you contact technical support about my computer? I’m working on an important presentation, and all my work is on that computer.M:  Yes, I called them. They told me they’d send someone over tomorrow afternoon.F:   Tomorrow afternoon? That will be too late. I’m meeting with my clients at 4     tomorrow to discuss ways to promote their company. Could you please call tech     support again, and ask them if they can come any sooner?M:   Sure, I’ll call them right away. I’ll talk to a supervisor to make sure they get a technician over here today.What will the woman meet her clients for?

F:   Bob, did you contact technical support about my computer? I’m working on an important presentation, and all my work is on that computer.M:  Yes, I called them. They told me they’d send someone over tomorrow afternoon.F:   Tomorrow afternoon? That will be too late. I’m meeting with my clients at 4     tomorrow to discuss ways to promote their company. Could you please call tech     support again, and ask them if they can come any sooner?M:   Sure, I’ll call them right away. I’ll talk to a supervisor to make sure they get a technician over here today.What will the woman meet her clients for?
A、Discussing the tender documents B、Having a business dinner C、Promoting their company D、Demonstrating her new model 喵查答案:Promoting their company ……继续阅读 »


F:   Bob, did you contact technical support about my computer? I’m working on an important presentation, and all my work is on that computer.M:  Yes, I called them. They told me they’d send someone over tomorrow afternoon.F:   Tomorrow afternoon? That will be too late. I’m meeting with my clients at 4     tomorrow to discuss ways to promote their company. Could you please call tech     support again, and ask them if they can come any sooner?M:   Sure, I’ll call them right away. I’ll talk to a supervisor to make sure they get a technician over here today.What will Bob do later?

F:   Bob, did you contact technical support about my computer? I’m working on an important presentation, and all my work is on that computer.M:  Yes, I called them. They told me they’d send someone over tomorrow afternoon.F:   Tomorrow afternoon? That will be too late. I’m meeting with my clients at 4     tomorrow to discuss ways to promote their company. Could you please call tech     support again, and ask them if they can come any sooner?M:   Sure, I’ll call them right away. I’ll talk to a supervisor to make sure they get a technician over here today.What will Bob do later?
A、Call the supervisor B、Buy a new computer C、Cancel the meeting D、Sign a contract 喵查答案:Call the supervisor ……继续阅读 »


F:   Diego, have we received a fax from Chris at Complex Computers yet? M:  We did, but it came through blurry. I called, and Chris said they were having problems with the fax machine. They’re trying to fix it.F:    Mr. Ramon needs to review that document as soon as possible. It’s the new service contract for our office PCs. M:   I’ll phone Chris and see how they’re doing. If the machine’s still down, I’ll have him scan and e-mail it instead. Either way, I’ll run it to Mr. Ramon’s office as soon as it arrives.What company does Chris work with?

F:   Diego, have we received a fax from Chris at Complex Computers yet? M:  We did, but it came through blurry. I called, and Chris said they were having problems with the fax machine. They’re trying to fix it.F:    Mr. Ramon needs to review that document as soon as possible. It’s the new service contract for our office PCs. M:   I’ll phone Chris and see how they’re doing. If the machine’s still down, I’ll have him scan and e-mail it instead. Either way, I’ll run it to Mr. Ramon’s office as soon as it arrives.What company does Chris work with?
A、The Blurry Company B、The Complex Computers C、The Ramon Brothers D、Not mentioned 喵查答案:The Complex Computers ……继续阅读 »


F:   Diego, have we received a fax from Chris at Complex Computers yet? M:  We did, but it came through blurry. I called, and Chris said they were having problems with the fax machine. They’re trying to fix it.F:    Mr. Ramon needs to review that document as soon as possible. It’s the new service contract for our office PCs. M:   I’ll phone Chris and see how they’re doing. If the machine’s still down, I’ll have him scan and e-mail it instead. Either way, I’ll run it to Mr. Ramon’s office as soon as it arrives.What is the fax about?

F:   Diego, have we received a fax from Chris at Complex Computers yet? M:  We did, but it came through blurry. I called, and Chris said they were having problems with the fax machine. They’re trying to fix it.F:    Mr. Ramon needs to review that document as soon as possible. It’s the new service contract for our office PCs. M:   I’ll phone Chris and see how they’re doing. If the machine’s still down, I’ll have him scan and e-mail it instead. Either way, I’ll run it to Mr. Ramon’s office as soon as it arrives.What is the fax about?
A、The shipment delay B、The quality of the fax machines C、The service contract for Office PCs D、The shipment delay 喵查答案:The service contract for Office PCs ……继续阅读 »